Department Statistics



A printed copy of the Department's log is available daily at our station at 18 Waterworks Road, 达勒姆, NH during normal business hours. 


The University of New Hampshire is required by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act to publish an annual report on our crime statistics and our security policies. 

Each year by October 1st we publish the UNH Clery Report on our website.  A paper copy may be obtained if desired.

Annual Clery Report UNH-达勒姆 (Updated September 27, 2023)

Annual Clery Report UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law, Concord (September 27, 2023)

Annual Clery Report UNH College of Professional Studies, Manchester (Updated September 27, 2023)

Safe and Drug-Free 学校 and Communities

From the Department of Education, the Safe and Drug-Free 学校 and Communities Act's purpose is:

to support programs that prevent violence in and around 学校s; that prevent the illegal use of alcohol, 烟草, and drugs; that involve parents and communities; and that are coordinated with related Federal, 状态, 学校, and community efforts and resources to foster a safe and drug-free learning environment that supports student academic achievement, through the provision of Federal assistance to —

  1. 状态s for grants to local educational agencies and consortia of such agencies to establish, 操作, and improve local programs of 学校 drug and violence prevention and early intervention;
  2. 状态s for grants to, and contracts with, community-based organizations and public and private entities for programs of drug and violence prevention and early intervention, including community-wide drug and violence prevention planning and organizing activities;
  3. 状态s for development, training, technical assistance, and coordination activities; and
  4. public and private entities to provide technical assistance; conduct training, 示威活动, and evaluation; and to provide supplementary services and community-wide drug and violence prevention planning and organizing activities for the prevention of drug use and violence among students and youth.

For more information on this Act, visit the website for the U.S. Department of Education

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program Review

Annual notification letter to the community 2021

Report completed by the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program Compliance Team